Certificate in Counselling Psychology

January 6, 2020
6 trimesters


Thika Main Campus, Kisii Campus   View map

This Certificate in Counselling Psychology course is designed to equip an individual with competencies for assessing the client, providing counselling services in crisis, trauma, marriage and family, medical conditions, guidance and counselling in learning institutions, addiction, child, adolescent, special needs and disability and workplace counselling services, as well as manage counselling services.

Entry Requirements

A trainee entering this course should have any of the following minimum requirements:
a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) mean grade D+ (plus).

c) Equivalent qualification as determined by Kenya National Qualifications Authority (KNQA)


The course will be assessed at two levels: internal and external.
a) Internal assessment: conducted continuously by the trainer (internal assessor) who is monitored by an accredited internal verifier.
b) External assessment:conducted by an external assessor who is monitored by an accredited external verifier.
The assessors and verifiers are accredited by TVET CDACC which also coordinates external assessment.


To be awarded Certificate in Counselling Psychology, an individual must demonstrate competence in all the units of competency.
These certificates will be awarded by TVET CDACC in conjunction with Equip Africa Institute.

Start your journey towards a world-class counselor today.